Helping farmers fight the coffee berry borer gets Absolute Aloha brimming with excitement. It's our mission to help treat this invasive species, to support local farmers, and to bring awareness to the biggest natural threat to the Kona Coffee industry.
Buy RubsAbsolute Aloha was born from a burning desire to stop the coffee berry borer from attacking our twig and berries. The more rubs you buy, the more shrubs you'll save.
What are you waiting for, buy rubsGlobally, the coffee berry borer affects over 20 million families who depend on the coffee harvest. This costs the coffee industry an estimated $500 million a year.
Locally, there are over 800 Kona coffee farms concentrated along the 20 mile Kona coffee belt. The average farm is less than 5 acres and the coffee berry borer affects every single one. The coffee berry borer made its first appearance in Kona in 2011 and has been ruining crops ever since.
The cost to treat the coffee berry borer is the same, regardless of whether a farm has 100 or 1,000 coffee trees per acre. This additional expense is especially tough on small farmers and significantly impacts their livelihood.
What a buzz kill!
You're still here, buy rubs already!Purchasing just one rub will help treat and protect a shrub from the coffee berry borer this season. The proceeds go directly toward helping small farmers, our neighbors, and our community fight the coffee berry borer.
Seriously, why aren't you buying rubs yet?!?